To deliver the Festival our sponsorship target for core costs is £8,000. We receive a wealth of in-kind support from a wide range of volunteers, venues and supporters. This helps to keep our costs to a minimum and ticket prices affordable or free making our Festival enjoyable for as wide an audience as possible.
£8,000 will cover all our fees for marketing, promotion, venue hire, speaker fees, website hosting and our box office. All organising and planning is provided by volunteer Directors reaching out to local talent and high profile celebrated authors alike.
How you can support us
By making a financial gift to Leeds Literature Festival CIC, you will help us to grow and reach marginalised audiences across Leeds. A member of the Board of Directors at the Leeds Literature Festival will meet with to discuss what you would like to receive in return for your financial support. We make sure your experience of working in partnership with Leeds Lit Fest is suited to your needs as an organisation. This can include your logo on our website, listings and socials. You might like to be named in our press and PR, or come along to events to meet the authors. You may like to co-create events in partnership. The level of involvement is dependent on your ideas and aspirations. We can’t wait to hear what these might be and work with you to make 2025 the best Leeds Lit Fest yet.
If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor or sponsoring one of our events, then please email Bronagh Daly at bronagh.daly@leedschurchinstitute.org or Leeds Lit Fest at enquiries@leedslitfest.co.uk.